Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I don't spend enough time on here sharing on family experiences and thoughts. Recently, I've had a number of conversations where people ask me about Hudson. He is growing and learning at such an incredible rate, for example things he couldn't say last week he now says with clarity this week. He says stuff like "exhaust pipe," and "back hoe loader." We have a tee that he will hit a baseball off of, and he has started telling me to "watch," before he'll swing the bat because he wants Dad to see him hit the ball. Hudson is becoming a little boy. Part of me is sad, I miss holding him early in the morning as he was an infant, I miss holding his hands as he learned to walk, or feeding him cereal. On the other hand, each stage has been thoroughly enjoyable. Sure I had my frustrations, but overall he was wonderful and that's why the other part of me is excited to see him grow up and enter the "next stage".

I would encourage any dad, or future father to take time with your kids no matter the age, change the diapers, do the grocery runs, relationships take time to build and we have the chance to begin the relationship with our children at the beginning of their life. As Hudson has gotten older I've tried to think of ways he and I can spend time together and give mom a break. For example, either Monday or Saturday morning we make a donut run. Its usually just the men, Mom is encouraged to stay in bed and sleep while we go get donuts (or nonuts as he calls them) and eat breakfast together. Its always exciting for him to see us pull into the donut store, and I love getting to spend the time with him. He is a treasure and joy to be with and I look forward to the years ahead...

1 comment:

daveraj said...

I thought you should know that someone other than your mom reads your blog...I remember making donut runs with my dad. It's such a great tradition...Still waiting on elevator.