Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ski Trip Memories

Last week we went on my final ski trip as Youth Pastor here at Countryside. That's six I led along with a 7th I went on as a youth leader. For fun, I thought I would list my 5 favorite things about our ski trips. Some are specific while others are just broad. Hope you enjoy!

5. Dinner-I don't know how other groups do dinner on these sorts of trips, but it was essential to me that we do dinner all together as a big group. I don't like the idea of clicks within a youth group and felt that we needed to be together to avoid falling into those small clicks that are so easy to do. With a group of 25 that sometimes meant we were nearly sitting on top of each other in one condo. That was okay because it meant we developed unity and camaraderie. I think it was always enjoyable as a group cooked and served their friends and contemporaries. The next night another group did the same so that every student had the opportunity to serve everyone else. It was a time when I think we truly experienced fellowship.

4. Skiing with my wife-Its been three years since she was able to ski with me (pregnancy and kids did that to her), but it was one of my favorite things to do with her. She was an excellent skier and better yet she liked to go on blues and to go fast!

3. The Stories- Every year students return home with a host of stories to share with their parents, friends, and teachers. They talk about jumps they went on and landed, how out of control they were, or how they wiped out before hitting a tree. I could share stories about a student tackling a person because the student couldn't stop and the person skied out in front of them, stories about being "cheese-slapped", or a beginner thinking he could land a jump who ended up losing skis and poles. I always enjoy reflecting on those stories with students years later, thankful that the Lord allowed me to experience that trip with them.
2. Skiing with Hudson- I don't know when I'll go on a ski trip again, but next time I'm taking my family and we all four will ski together. Last year Hudson came out and I taught him to ski the final day. Skiing with students is fun, but skiing with your son is by far the best!

1. Fresh Perspective- It wouldn't matter how often I went on a ski trip, I think I would always come away with a fresh perspective about who I am, and about who God is. I can't help but feel small as I stand before these large mounts that God merely spoke into existence. I'm humbled and feel pretty insignificant. I also come away in awe that God spoke and these large mountains were formed. Back home I have a tendency to think I'm pretty special, to think I'm something or that I'm really important. When I spend time in the mountains I am reminded just how small I am before the Lord. I find comfort knowing that my problems are really pretty small in comparison with the God I worship. From that stand point, I love these trips because I need this reminder, especially during this time in our lives.

Oh and by the way I skied with Matt Anson, so cross that off the New Year's Resolution List!

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