Friday, January 8, 2010

Do you serve God for something?

Lately, I’ve been spending a great deal of time studying the book of Job. Its a wonderful literary work that got me to thinking...

In chapter one Job is described as a righteous man who was very wealthy, he had many servants and a large family (v.3). All these things were blessings from God. Satan comes and appears before God. God mentions Job’s righteous living and Satan responds, “Does Job fear God for nothing?(v.9)” The basis of Satan’s accusation is that Job certainly did fear God but he did because of what he could get from God. In v. 11 he makes his accusation against Job, that if God will allow Job to be afflicted and his things taken from him, “he will surely curse You to Your face.” So God allows not only all that Job possesses to be taken, but Satan has his children killed, and Job’s good health fades. From chapter 3-37 Job and friends discuss why God would do this, and in chapter 38 the LORD answers Job’s cry for an answer to his trials. God does not explain why these things have happened, but instead asks Job a series of questions about the Creation and Sustaining of all that exists. God shows Job His sovereign rule over every creature that exists (chapter 41 shows even the mighty crocodile is under His power). He shows His goodness and mercy as He allows rain to fall on the wicked and righteous.

The message of the book of Job is that man should not worship the LORD because we are promised riches, or a large family in this life. The basis of our fear and service of the LORD is that God is our Creator, He rules over all that exists, and in His goodness and sovereign plan, He controls all that takes place.

I've enjoyed digging into this book recently and reflecting upon my own motivations for fearing and serving the Lord. Do I fear Him with my hand out expecting some blessing in exchange? I think we often times reflect more of the retaliation mindset that Job's friends argued for, instead of living a life of faith. A life of faith is not easy, in reading the book of Job it can be downright scary, but we must fear the Lord and serve Him not with an expectation of personal gain, but instead as a response to the revelation that He alone is awesome, worthy of our service because He is our Creator, the One who controls all that exists. In His care of the Universe He rules it with goodness, justice, and mercy. We should trust His plan even when we don't understand it, . Just something to consider...

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